The State of the Creator Essay Series: Introduction

High Heal Doula Writes Rite
3 min readDec 18, 2016

Song: This Bitter Land by Nas and Erykah Badu

There is no greater power than the power within. In order to control this power, it is imperative that we monitor what type of energy we are consuming on a daily basis through our dietary choices. When I eat to live, my spiritual self awakens in a manner that is beyond contemporary comprehension. People will ask weird questions and look at me weird, but once I am in a spirit hub — nothing and no one can penetrate you unless you allow. You will not find a book on your own journey to your spirit self. The Earth is your turf, so treat it right and it will return the favor.

We cannot expect to be able to gain control over our spirit selves, if we do not control and take care of our most precious resource — our body; however, we have lost the knowledge of self. We do not know our power. Alice Walker once said, “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” We have a wide variety of power from #BlackGirlMagic to #BlackBoyJoy, our power is innately spiritual. Although it cannot be measured, defined, or put into the modern confines of understanding, our spiritual selves are thirsty for attention.

In essence, “the purpose of any religion is to teach transcendence,” (Philip Neimark, “The Way of the Orisa”) but instead many religions teach obedience by instilling fear of a hell-like afterlife into its followers. What Erykah Badu and Nas call, “This Bitter Land,” the Amerikan belief system has become toxic to our identity, and all that is fruitful within us has become bitter. Amerikan soil is not a place of any spiritual, mental, or Afrikan/Black development. Everything that allows Amerika to sustain global power serves as a catalyst for Afrikan/Black extermination. The major catalyst is spiritual warfare through food. I was recently speaking to one of my comrades and he said, “What does FDA mean?” We all replied in variant tones, “Food and Drug Administration.” His response was, “Why is it that the same people who are giving you your food is also supplying your drugs (also known as pharmaceuticals)?” Everyone paused for a second reflecting on the current and past diet decisions we have made, and how we really cannot think to give up chicken, pork, turkey, shrimp, or whatever dish that we allow to control our pallet. This is a normal progression of thoughts for us who want to live a healthy lifestyle. It is a daily and constant battle to operate in a means of doing what is right for our body and spirit, and it should not be this way. Everything that is easy to access like McDonald’s, Wendy’s, etc. is the worst for your body containing little to no nutritional value. Due to our conditioning, there is a general consensus that what we eat only affects our weight — well add our spiritual well being onto that list, too. Through this series of essays, I hope to come to a conclusion on how we can actively change our spiritual condition through our dietary decisions.

We are what we consume.

DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert and I do not ascribe to one solution to a problem, so I present some of my perspectives. If you have any critiques, knowledge, or general comments about the essay, email me at

Peace and Blessings,




High Heal Doula Writes Rite

I am just sharing my thoughts. Reflections, critiques, and further research points are welcomed.